Paper in Ubicomp 2015: "A Practical Approach for Recognizing Eating Moments with Wrist-Mounted Inertial Sensing"
Recognizing when eating activities take place is one of the key challenges in automated food intake monitoring. Despite progress over the years, most proposed approaches have been largely impractical for everyday usage, requiring multiple onbody sensors or specialized devices such as neck collars for swallow detection. In this paper, we describe the implementation and evaluation of an approach for inferring eating moments based on 3-axis accelerometry collected with a popular off-the-shelf smartwatch. Trained with data collected in a semi-controlled laboratory setting with 20 subjects, our system recognized eating moments in two free-living condition studies (7 participants, 1 day; 1 participant, 31 days), with Fscores of 76.1% (66.7% Precision, 88.8% Recall), and 71.3% (65.2% Precision, 78.6% Recall). This work represents a contribution towards the implementation of a practical, automated system for everyday food intake monitoring, with applicability in areas ranging from health research and food journaling.
- Presented at the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2015) held at Grand Front Osaka in Umeda, Osaka, Japan from Sep. 7-11, colocated with ISWC 2015.
- More details from Edison Thomaz’s website