Event: AAAI 2008 Special Track on Physically-Grounded AI
I am Co-Chairing with Drew Bagnell (CMU), Wolfram Burgard (University of Frieberg) a Special Track on Physically-Grounded AI. See AAAI-08: Twenty-Third Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Chicago, IL, USA. The goal of this special track is to bring researhers from computer vision, robotics, machine learning and activity recognition to AAAI in a unified forum. All papers in this track will be full AAAI papers.
We received around 60 submissions to this track and expect a few NECTAR (new scientific and technical advances in research) submissions too (DUE Feb 18, 2008). The primary track submissions are in process of review).
Abstract Submission Deadline: January 25, 2008 *DONE*
Paper Submission Deadline: January 30, 2008 *DONE*
Author Notification Deadline: April 1, 2008