Spring 2008 Term
Spring 2008 Term at GA Tech begins Monday 1/7/2009. It will be a busy term with the following activities, in addition to my research related activities. Teaching CS4803cj/8803cj: Computational Journalism CS4001c: Computing, Society, and Professionalism Events Computation and Journalism (CnJ) Symposium in Atlanta, Feb 22-23, 2008 AAAI 2008: Special Track on Physically Grounded AI (Abstract […]
Personal: Read this Book "Three Cups of Tea" By Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin
“Three Cups of Tea” By Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin This is a great book. I have just started reading it, but many have recommended it. Also see Pennies for Peace, a program of Central Asia Institute (CAI). Facebook Group for “Three Cups of Tea”