Paper: IEEE CGI (2005) "Video-based nonphotorealistic and expressive illustration of motion"

Video-based nonphotorealistic and expressive illustration of motion (IEEEXplore)
Kim, B. Essa, I.
GVU Center & Coll. of Comput., Georgia Inst. of Technol., Atlanta, GA, USA
This paper appears in: Computer Graphics International 2005
Publication Date: 22-24 June 2005
On page(s): 32 – 35
Number of Pages: xi 286
ISSN: 1530-1052
ISBN: 0-7803-9330-9
INSPEC Accession Number:8632735
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/CGI.2005.1500363
Posted online: 2005-08-29 08:56:32.0


We present a semi-automatic approach for adding expressive renderings to images and videos that highlight motions and movement. Our technique relies on motion analysis of video where the motion information from the image sequence is used to add expressive information. The first step in our approach is to extract a moving region of the video by segmenting and then grouping regions of compatible motions. In the second step, a user can interactively choose or refine a grouping region that represents the moving object of interest. In the third and final stage, the user can apply various visual effects such as a temporal-flare, time-lapse, and particle-effects. We have implemented a prototype system that can be used to illustrate and expressively render motions in videos and images, with simple user interaction. Our system can deal with most translational and rotational motions without a need for a fixed background.

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