Paper:ICPR (2002) "Learning video processing by example"

Haro, A. Essa, I. (2002), “Learning video processing by example” In Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2002, 11-15 Aug. 2002 Volume: 1, page(s): 487 – 491 vol.1, Number of Pages: 4 vol.(xxix 834 xxxv 1116 xxxiii 1068 xxv 418), ISSN: 1051-4651, ISBN: 0-7695-1695-X, [Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ICPR.2002.1044771][IEEEXplore#]


We present an algorithm that approximates the output of an arbitrary video processing algorithm based on a pair of input and output exemplars. Our algorithm relies on learning the mapping between the input and output exemplars to model the processing that has taken place. We approximate the processing by observing that pixel neighborhoods similar in appearance and motion to those in the exemplar input should result in neighborhoods similar to the exemplar output. Since there are not many pixel neighborhoods in the exemplars, we use techniques from texture synthesis to generalize the output of neighborhoods not observed in the exemplars. The same algorithm is used to learn such processing as motion blur color correction, and painting.

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