Presentation at the Machine Learning Center at GA Tech on "The New Machine Learning Center at GA Tech: Plans and Aspirations"

Machine Learning at Georgia Tech Seminar Series

Speaker: Irfan Essa
Date/Time: March 1, 2017, 12n


The Interdisciplinary Research Center (IRC) for Machine Learning at Georgia Tech (ML@GT) was established in Summer 2016 to foster research and academic activities in and around the discipline of Machine Learning. This center aims to create a community that leverages true cross-disciplinarity across all units on campus, establishes a home for the thought leaders in the area of Machine Learning, and creates programs to train the next generation of pioneers. In this talk, I will introduce the center, describe how we got here, attempt to outline the goals of this center and lay out it’s foundational, application, and educational thrusts. The primary purpose of this talk is to solicit feedback about these technical thrusts, which will be the areas we hope to focus on in the upcoming years. I will also describe, in brief, the new Ph.D. program that has been proposed and is pending approval. We will discuss upcoming events and plans for the future.

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